I serve as computer-nerd in the Dutch educational TV show ‘Klokhuis’ tomorrow. Topic of the show will be the ‘Computer Brain’, the broadcast will happen on Tuesday May 13 at 18:23 on Ned. 3. You have been warned…

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Congratulations to dr. Xirong Li for receiving the SIGMM Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis in Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications 2013. The committee considered Xirong’s dissertation titled “Content-based visual search learned from social media” as worthy of the award as it substantially extends the boundaries for developing content-based multimedia indexing and retrieval solutions. In particular, it provides fresh new insights into the possibilities for realizing image retrieval solutions in the presence of vast information that can be drawn from the social media.

The committee considered the main innovation of Xirong’s work to be in the development of the theory and algorithms providing answers to the following challenging research questions:
(a) what determines the relevance of a social tag with respect to an image,
(b) how to fuse tag relevance estimators,
(c) which social images are the informative negative examples for concept learning,
(d) how to exploit socially tagged images for visual search and
(e) how to personalize automatic image tagging with respect to a user’s preferences.

The significance of the developed theory and algorithms lies in their power to enable effective and efficient deployment of the information collected from the social media to enhance the datasets that can be used to learn automatic image indexing mechanisms (visual concept detection) and to make this learning more personalized for the user.

Xirong’s thesis is available from the UvA digital academic repository.

Foto: Hilde de Wolf Fotografie.

Dr Cees Snoek of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) has won the Netherlands Prize for ICT research 2012. The prizewinner also receives €50,000. Computer scientist Snoek leads a research team working on the development of a smart search engine for digital video: the Media Mill Semantic Video Search Engine.

The Netherlands Prize for ICT research was established for scientists under 40, who are conducting innovative research or are responsible for a scientific breakthrough in the field of ICT. The award is an initiative of the ICT Research Platform Netherlands (IPN) and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research’s (NWO) Physical Sciences division in cooperation with the Royal Holland Society of Sciences (KHMW).

As of today my website will be accessible from the personalized url: http://www.CeesSnoek.info

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This week I learned that my PhD thesis, entitled “The Authoring Metaphor to Machine Understanding of Multimedia“, is still actively used for research purposes, but certainly not in the way it was intended ;)  My office-mate Sander found a useful application of the research, see the picture on the right.

For those of you interested in a hard copy version of the booklet, I still have a few more left, just drop me an email. More visual evidence showcasing useful applications that build upon the research is welcome.


A Wordle of all my publication title-words.


After 9 years of research on broadcast video analysis and retrieval, I ‘finally’ made my debut on national TV. Yesterday, VARA Nieuwslicht had an item on using human cycles, in the form of computer games and social tagged content, for helping machines understand multimedia. Indeed, the topic of my granted VENI proposal. It was funny to see that the crew spent 2 hours in my office last week, but in the end only 1 minute remained. Unfortunately the demo of our video search engine for the Dutch television archive Beeld en Geluid was not broadcasted, maybe next time?