2002 |
Marcel Worring, Andrew Bagdanov, Jan C van Gemert, Jan-Mark Geusebroek, Minh Hoang, Guus Schreiber, Cees G M Snoek, Jeroen Vendrig, Jan Wielemaker, Arnold W M Smeulders: Interactive Indexing and Retrieval of Multimedia Content. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics, pp. 135-148, Springer-Verlag, Milovy, Czech Republic, 2002. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)@inproceedings{WorringSOFSEM02, The indexing and retrieval of multimedia items is difficult due to the semantic gap between the user's perception of the data and the descriptions we can derive automatically from the data using computer vision, speech recognition, and natural language processing. In this contribution we consider the nature of the semantic gap in more detail and show examples of methods that help in limiting the gap. These methods can be automatic, but in general the indexing and retrieval of multimedia items should be a collaborative process between the system and the user. We show how to employ the user's interaction for limiting the semantic gap. | |
2001 |
Jan Baan, Alex van Ballegooij, Jan-Mark Geusebroek, Djoerd Hiemstra, Jurgen den Hartog, Johan List, Cees G M Snoek, Ioannis Patras, Stephan Raaijmakers, Leon Todoran, Jeroen Vendrig, Arjen de Vries, Thijs Westerveld, Marcel Worring: Lazy Users and Automatic Video Retrieval Tools in (the) Lowlands. In: TREC, Gaithersburg, USA, 2001. (Type: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)@inproceedings{BaanTREC01, |
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